Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Facts About Australia


 1) The capitol of Australia is Canberra.

2) Australia's population consists only of 20 million people. 

3) On the top 25 most poisonous snakes, Australia has 20 of them, oh-no!

4)  Australia is surrounded by the Indian and the Pacific ocean.

5) The Australian federation consists of six states and two territories.

6) Australia was the second country in the world that gave the right to women to vote, in 1902.

7) The word, Australia, is originated from the Latin word, australis, that means southern.

8) Australia hosted the 2000 summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia.

9) Australia, as surprising as it seems, does not have an active volcano.

10) The Prime Minister of Australia is Tony, Abbott.

   Next Country: Iceland

Thursday, June 25, 2015

10 Surprising Facts about the United States

1) Roughly 100 acres of pizza is served in the United States every day; lay off the carbs!

2) 7% of Americans claim that they never bathe.

3) An alligator in the United States, had over 3,500 teeth during its lifetime.

4) By flushing your own toilet, you lose an average of 5 cents.

5) In America, every second, 100 pounds of chocolate is consumed.

6) The United States has three towns named, " Santa Claus."

7) Coca-Cola was first bottled in 1894.

8) No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because the patten was burnt in a fire.

9) Montana has three as many cows as humans.

10) Alaska is 429 times bigger than Rhode Island.

   Next Country: Australia!